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We Laughed - Billy Bragg


Maxine's story

Maxine's story

The Holiday

photo of Maxine by the lighthouse on holidayI had found strength. I refused to succumb to self-pity and thoughts of what was going to happen to Jess if I did died. I knew if I wanted to fight this cancer that I had to stay mentally well and spiritually with Jesus. I had to focus on those things that are good and wholesome. They are all in The Song.

I have been familiar with cancer all my life. I have a genetic cancer that has caused my great grandmothers and grandmothers, Mother, Aunts and Sisters to die. I grew up with all the women family members dying from cancer. I had the privilege of nursing my sister Christine through her illness. She died 11 years ago at the age of 43. Cancer is an illness I know well.

Even Jess knows cancer. We face an uncertain future as to whether she has the gene or not. Who better than me to teach Jess better than me how to fight this horrible disease? I thank God that he has allowed me to stay around to do that.

close up photo of MaxineEvery day that I am alive beyond the six months that I was given is a miracle. The inevitable - because it is inevitable - has been put off. Today and every day that I wake up and am alive is a holiday. I love The Song that has been written and I love the words and music. Billy Bragg is a very special person in my life and I have no idea how to thank him.

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