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Life -
Roots Manuva and Geospin


Geospin's Diary





The anthem

17 March

We went to visit Geospin with two musicians, singer/songwriter Chris Hoban and a double bass player, Nick Drake. Chris improvised with Nick and together they transformed his words into an anthem for the hospital ward.

Hope will always give me my future
My dreams of traveling
Dreams are real
All you have to do is believe, believe
All you have to do is believe.

The whole ward was affected by the song. Nurses and doctors turned to listen, parents at other beds in the open ward stopped to listen or clapped in accompaniment. There was a young mother with a tiny baby on the ward and she came out of a private room to listen to the music and then to dance with her baby. The baby was transfixed. "That's the first time he has stopped crying since the day he was born" she declared. She looked so happy, so relieved and asked us to keep playing. We stayed for 45 minutes playing the simple refrain over and over again.

Geospin, too, clearly recognized that the simple affirmative power of his words made a great song. He said he would like to sing it himself and would like to record it.

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