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knocked out color image of Beverley Ashill and singer

That Very Breath - David Matthews


Beverley's story

Making it Happen

Beverley's Story

Beverley Reads That Very Breath came out of two experiences. At one point the cancer had gone to my lungs and I wasn't able to breath and I had a terrible cough. I happen to sing and music has been a very important part of my life and I thought at one point I had lost my voice completely. Thankfully that's not now the case and I am singing again and enjoying refinding my voice. That was part of the inspiration for this.

photo of Beverley AshillThe other experience was a very joyous one. I went to Kepphalonia last year which is a place I'd always wanted to see. I had a wonderful fortnight with my brother - a magical time - and much of the imagery that you'll hear in this piece has come from that place.

photo of Beverley AshillGill really helped me put this together and was really supportive on the days when I wasn't feeling too creative.

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